Saturday, July 10, 2010

Reason Why I Smoke

Every smoker have their own reason to smoke. This is mine.
  •  The feel of relief after you blow all the smoke out of your lung is such a wonderful feeling because at first you make your throat feel like hell then you get the out-of-the-hell feeling. It's nice you know. 
  • To cope with boredom. Rather than you sit and do nothing it would be fine if you could play with the smoke.
  • To scare away people,girls,insect,etc. etc. It always happen to me while waiting for train at KTM. When I smoke nobody would sit next to me. It's like I'm the king of the public seat throne.
  • To fight any foul smell from people or anything. This one works effectively.
  • To cope with stress. The high feeling you get from every puff make you feel more relax.

# "Seeing naked man is disgusting. Seeing naked woman? Now we talking!"




Hellioz said...


Ken Wooi said...

i dont smoke =)

Anonymous said...

you will go to heaven earlier..yea :P

Fontonk said...

i smoke cigar and i kill myself

eszol raar said...


kenwooi-too bad for u

anon-thx for the pray


fontonk-cigar is too expensive. im surprise you still alive

suryadewa said...

visiting here friend

Derus said...

hehe..entry menarik bro..

Fontonk said...

aku dah komen daa. tp tu time aku smoke. skg da tak smoke. haha

point kau ke 3 terlalu bersifat perkauman. haha. kbnykn org anggap nk hilang stress dgn merokok. tp aku prefer berzikir

Akram said...

Nikmat menyedut tu perokok je yang tau...ha3

MGMSabri said...

kesedihan apabila diri anda sakit disebabkan kegagalan peparu anda akan diratapi org yg tersayang dan anda akn tahu betapa sesalnya anda merokok.
saya berkata krn melihat terlalu byk kes di hospital hny krn rokok.
cubalah siasat sendiri.
just nasihat.

kmvsblogger said...

merokok bgs utk kesihatan..leh cepat mampos

Akram said...

gler daring...ha3
